Dublin Beta Projects

A Dublin City Council live mechanism for imagining, testing and implementing ways to improve the experience of life in the Capital.

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What is a Beta Project?
Beta Projects act as cost-effective trials that serve to address key issues that Dublin City Council is seeking to understand before implementing.

Can I suggest a project?
Anyone can suggest a Beta Project - just use the suggest link.

What suggestions have been made?
You can see all suggestions received in the Beta Project Pipeline.

What projects are being explored?
Just check out the Beta Project Pipeline to see.

What's happening with live projects?
All projects follow a set series of steps. You can follow it here. Beta Project Pipeline.

CLOSED (archived) Link to Equinox Cycle Parking


Equinox Cycle Parking

Should Dublin temporarily increase the amount of bicycle parking during the Summer half of the year?

CLOSED (archived) Link to Street Library


Street Library

Could we expand our libraries onto streets - allowing people to download books on the fly? For example, when waiting for the bus?

CLOSED (archived) Link to Vacant Window Gallery


Vacant Window Gallery

Could the large number of vacant properties in Dublin be temporarily used to display emerging artists?

CLOSED (archived) Link to Moss Art


Moss Art

The aim of this project is to learn about moss graffiti, and whether it might be a useful solutions for certain situations.

CLOSED (implemented) Link to Traffic Light Box Artworks


Traffic Light Box Artworks

Should people be allowed paint artworks onto the city's traffic light boxes? Might that solve a maintenance issue for the Council?

CLOSED (archived) Link to Street Art Checklist


Street Art Checklist

Would a simple checklist by the City Council be useful for someone who's considering carrying out streetart?



Inclusive Cycle Parking

Similar to parking bays for disabled drivers, there is a need for non-standard cycle parking. How should we do it?