Current Status: Live
Project Stage(s): Concept
Live Trial Location(s): Pending > Onsite > Removed
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At the moment, we don't distinguish between legal (but expired) and illegal parking for clamping.
For example, someone who parks legally, but their parking ticket expires, is penalised in the same way as someone who is either endangering (eg parking on pavements, or in cycle lanes) or inconveniencing others (eg parking in clearways). Ie the current approach doesn't differentiate between a parking management tool (to try to encourage regular turnover of parking spaces to ensure people are able to get a space when they need one) and deterring people from endangering or greatly inconveniencing many others.
Could we distinguish between the two types of issue with a different messaging for each type? For example, perhaps the legal (but expired) parking could be clamped with a yellow clamp, and the illegal parking could be clamped with a red clamp? Each could then be 'branded' differently - for example the red clamp could be branded as "selfish" and have a higher declamp cost to reflect the serious nature of the offence.
[Trial not yet designed.]
[Trial not yet designed.]
[Trial not yet complete.]
[Trial not yet complete.]
[Trial not yet complete.]
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Colum Clissmann, posted on 2019.03.27
Great idea and definitely worth considering. There is the obvious challenge of wanting to get the illegally parked car moved as fast as possible as it would most likely be causing an obstruction. Would towing be an option, which would by it’s nature require a larger fine to cover the costs of towwing.
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Mike Condon, posted on 2019.04.24
First of all both issues should have two different fines because as said before one is more obstructive than the other.
I think a person whose ticket has expired should be given notice via text message or email or an automatic call to say so.
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