Shared Bins
Would shared, onstreet, residential waste bins be a useful solution to improve our waste services and also reduce dumping?
School Streets
We'd like to explore the idea of School Streets - streets which are pedestrianised during certain school periods.
Play Streets
How can we open up streets to enable local children to easily and safely play, ideally a short distance from their home?
Open Streets
There are many times when it's useful to open up streets to people on a part-time basis. Can we find better ways to do that?
Waste Search Tool
How could we make the existing waste services much easier to understand, find, and use?
Motorbike Parking
We don't tend to provide specific motorbike parking and they are not supposed to park on pavements. Is there a better solution?
Disabled Parking
Should we revise the disabled parking signage? If so, what should it reflect and why?
Cycle Lane Hours
Should the operational hours of cycle lanes be 24/7 rather than part-time? What would be the effects of such a change?
Red Clamp
We don't differentiate between legal and illegal parking in terms of how we clamp. Would it be beneficial to do so?